
How we work with partners is how we relate to the whole human rights community. We work with human rights advocates and defenders to support their goals by complementing their substantive expertise with our technical expertise. To date, partners have included truth commissions, international criminal tribunals, United Nations missions, and non-governmental human rights organizations on five continents.

Our partners advocate, investigate, and do casework. We at HRDAG never duplicate those efforts. Instead, we examine and identify statistical patterns in the conflicts being investigated and exposed. We work with the project’s strategic leadership, listening to their debates and focusing analysis on their questions. From time to time, we issue our own scientific reports that focus on the statistical aspects of the analysis. These reports are non-partisan, and they leave the work of advocacy to our partners.

In addition to providing technical expertise to our partners, we help them raise funds. We believe that proposals —and conclusions— can be stronger when traditional human rights approaches are supported by scientific analysis. As a non-profit project, HRDAG is primarily funded by private donors; please visit our Funding page for more information.

Human Rights Data Analysis Group is composed of a diverse group of board members, full-time staff, and consultants. Employing a multidisciplinary approach, we work with experts in the fields of computer science, social science, software development, mathematical and applied statistics, and demography.

Choosing partners to work with is a process inextricably linked to which projects we choose to work on. Some projects are better suited for HRDAG’s methods than others. Here’s more information about How We Choose Projects.

Our work has been used by truth commissions, international criminal tribunals, and non-governmental human rights organizations. We have worked with partners on projects on five continents.
