
Shira Mitchell collaborated with HRDAG during her dissertation and continues to today. She developed Bayesian hierarchical models for estimating numbers of casualties for the armed conflict in Colombia, and is currently studying the (un)fairness of algorithms used in the US criminal justice system. Shira received a PhD in biostatistics and a BA in mathematics from Harvard University. She works on causal inference, survey design and inference, and small area estimation. During her postdoctoral fellowship, she used these methods to evaluate an economic development project in sub-Saharan Africa, working with Andrew Gelman and Jeffrey Sachs at Columbia University. She is now a statistician at Mathematica Policy Research, where she studies domestic policy in the areas of health, employment, and disability.

Our work has been used by truth commissions, international criminal tribunals, and non-governmental human rights organizations. We have worked with partners on projects on five continents.
