Welcoming Our New Data Science Fellow

We’re thrilled to announce that Shemika Lamare has joined our team as our new data science fellow this fall and winter. Her first day was November 5, 2018.

Shemika will be wrangling data as she learns best practices for data analysis and processing. She earned her undergraduate degree in molecular and cellular biology at University of California Berkeley three years ago, and has been working in the field since then.

“I’m ready to soak up knowledge from the team,” she said.

Executive director Megan Price is excited to fulfill HRDAG’s mission to grow the field of human rights data analysis. “Training fellows in-house and sharing what we’ve learned with a new generation of scientists is one of the most important things we do at HRDAG,” she said.

“So far I most enjoy the processes,” said Shemika. “It’s clear HRDAG has spent time figuring out the best workflows. Everyone here is clearly passionate about their work, and I am excited to work and learn from them.”

“We love having Shemika on board,” said Megan. “We always end up learning just as much from our interns and fellows as they do from us, as they ask good questions and challenge us to clarify our practices. Shemika is no exception.”





Our work has been used by truth commissions, international criminal tribunals, and non-governmental human rights organizations. We have worked with partners on projects on five continents.
